Thursday, July 05, 2007


it's a surprise even to me that i have time for this. i'm currently idle. that's a miracle.

i am stressed. i haven't had any adequate sleep for the past few days. my legs hurt from dancing, my shoulders are aching whenever i start typing papers, and my mind is practically drained from doing so much work. i'm covered in BUSY, and i could really use a massage. sadly, i don't have the time to get one.

some random thoughts:

i found an orange elephant in market! market! last week. it DOES exist! well, not animately, but still, it does! O_O unfortunately, i did not have the money to purchase it at that time. joy.

i found the same orange elephant at timezone. it's a major prize in one of those machine thingies there. i asked andre to get it for me, but he couldn't. after coming back from the transformers movie, it was gone. T_T

i'm losing weight. well, i'd like to think so. XD

andre is so good at DoTA. i think i'll ask him to teach me how to kill a hero =))

the world has gone weird. just a few days ago, an agent from model shop told me that i was approved for a photo shoot for telecom. so that makes me... an image model.

now would be the time to react in disbelief. XD


Blogger Niko Batallones said...

Naks si Kor. Babalik na ang... dipdarksikret. :D

11:51 PM  

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