Saturday, March 24, 2007


from camila who got it from manugs

where were you on:

1. on your last birthday?
* i had my debut on a dampa

2. Yesterday?
* bandroom with pops

3. Last weekend?
* TYA - imagine! hahaha congrats guys :)

4. Last Christmas?
* at home

5. Last New year's eve?
* at some hotel listening to some showband... brilliant showband. don't remember their name, though.

6. Last Valentine's day?
* school, and boyfriend-less

7. What's the last thing you ate?
* pizza +_+

8. Thing you drank?
* tap water

9. Thing you wore?
* my ever-living orange polo shirt :/

10. Last place you went to?
* yellow cab (thanks, kizia!)

11. Last person you saw?
* innersouls. hehehe

12. Last person u talked to in the
* Aaron

13. Last person you've sent a msg on
* oh my... i don't remember.

14. Last song you heard?
* embers and envelopes by mae

>>At this very second daw<<

15. Right this VERY SECOND what are you eating?
* none

16. What are you wearing?
* shorts, tshirt

17. Any shoes on?
* nope

18. Listening to?
* the television. not listening though, but hearing.

19. Talking to anyone?
* still Aaron

20. Are you a vegetarian?
* i'm supposed to be a vegan with the body that i have. :/

>>nose bleeding questions daw<<

21. Are you artistic?
* i believe so. (plausible po ito)

22. Do you write poetry?
* not recently

23. What kind of girlfriend/boyfriend do you want to have?
* someone who can dominate me and be RIGHT about it. i was talking to Aaron about this

24. Finish this sentence: If I could
be anyone in the world for a day, I'd
* korinne lirio

25. The one thing you do everyday?
* listening to my iPod. it's my therapy (that, along with 2-3 chuckies a day)

26. Best thing in the world?
* PROZIUM! only thing is... it doesn't exist for human consumption

27. Do you believe in God?
* yes, but under no specific faith.

28. Whats the best advice that someone
has given to you?
* move on, life is short. -sir peter :)


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